lundi 22 septembre 2008

Questions from the packet

1. These words define the tone of the speech by using powerful words to show that this is not only a speech, but a call to help from Kennedy to the people of America.
3. "a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself." Tyranny is an especially commonly used ever since the Constitution was put in place, for it states that the government should protect the people without being tyrannical. The paragraph that starts with "the trumpet summons us again" is fresher, however, and this is repeated throughout the paragraph.

1. They keep the listeners' attention without distracting them away from the cause.
3. The complex sentences suggest hidden energy because they are longer and thus more powerful and suggest a strong point.
5. Because they are almost like a call to arms, and tell people that the government will work and actually do things to help the people.
7. There are four paragraphs that start with "Let both sides", that come right after a paragraph that starts: "So let us begin anew".
9. Hortative is less powerful, somewhat like a suggestion, however imperative is a command, something that you must do.

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